The Science of Making a Good Marketing Offer

Oct 21, 2021 2:30:54 PM / by Keith Snow posted in dirty data, data hygiene, digital marketing, marketing offer, audience segmentation


From TV to digital ads to social media content, Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 marketing messages each day. There have never been more channels available to reach your desired audience. But don’t forget: everyone else wants to reach them, too.

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Data Cleansing Best Practices to Start Now

Jul 12, 2021 2:08:15 PM / by Keith Snow posted in dirty data, data hygiene


Dirty data is a big problem for nearly any company collecting information for strategic business purposes. (Which should be every company that wants to understand its customers, track and respond to trends, and create personalized marketing efforts.) 

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Why Dirty Data is Killing Your Data Marketing Results

Jun 15, 2021 3:34:26 PM / by Keith Snow posted in dirty data, data hygiene


By now, it’s likely your company data plays an important role in powering performance and
results. Good data shines a light on what drives core areas of business, such as how and where
you acquire customers, what your “ideal” customer looks like, which products and services
propel growth and with who, how customers engage with your brand … and the list goes on.

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