B2E Data Blog

Life Events Should Make You Go “Hmmmmm….”

Written by Keith Snow | Apr 20, 2020 2:31:00 PM

Marketers are always looking for new ways to grow their audiences. Purchasing large and un-targeted lists can often yield a less than desirable return. This is because communicating with random people out of the blue is hard. They’re usually not in the “purchase” mindset and trying to convince them through a series of emails, banner ads or mail pieces can be a challenge. The secret to gaining new marketing names that lead to conversions is to make sure the list used is hitting targets at the right time, and your marketing has the right message. 



How do you do that? 
Life events, such as moving, marrying, divorcing, or having kids, to name a few, have long been used by marketers as moments of opportunity. And here is why: a life event is the perfect reason/excuse to engage with someone new. Data has also shown that people experiencing a life event are more likely to convert because of their new needs. Response can be up to 10 times higher, in fact, when compared to more traditional marketing.
What life events would be impactful to your business? Here are some to consider.
  • Newlyweds
  • Recently divorced
  • Car shoppers
  • Movers
  • New Baby (or expecting one)
  • New Job
  • High School or College Graduate

With each of these life events, there comes opportunity to fill a new emotional or physical need. Consider what each of these needs may be when crafting a marketing campaign geared toward these groups. For instance, newlyweds are likely emotionally happy and may have physical needs of decorating a home or traveling on a honeymoon. You must consider these items in order to keep your message relevant and be successful.
At B2E, we have access to data that can assist with your targeting of certain life events. Movers, for instance, can fall into three different categories – pre-movers (just listed their home), escrow (we’ve sold, but not yet moved), and new movers (just moved in). Consider a tailored marketing message based on the stages of a life event as well! 
If you want to learn more about life event marketing, please contact us at B2E.